Golden Guardian Exercise 2007
Scenario for background of discussion at PAN meeting 2007-07-26
Follow-up materials to RRTF meeting of 2007-07-18
Top-level break-down of various tasks
- result of RRTF meeting (of 2007-07-18) where it seemed that many people were thinking only in their "stovepipes" - by Doug Moran
Operational Goals and Structure (by Don Nielson)
Planning for Palo Alto Response to Simulation of a Bio-Terrorism Attack
PA RRTF Planning and Disaster Response Structure for Bio-Terrorism Attack
Creating the Work Products for Emergency Preparedness and Response
Working source for above three pages - Excel spreadsheet
, order sheet 2, then 1 then 3
Concept Diagram
by Chuck Byer (INSTEDD) based upon diagram put on whiteboard by Don Nielson
Prep materials for RRTF meeting of 2007-07-18
Overview of goals of scenario and of scenario development
Checklists of desirables to be included in the scenario
Scenario: small start
Template for scenario elements
Draft scenario suggestion by Moran
Version Info:
$Revision: $ $Date: $