D. L. Martin, A. J. Cheyer, and D. B. Moran, "The Open Agent Architecture: A framework for building distributed software systems," Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 13, pp. 91--128, January-March 1999.
Keywords: OAA, Open Agent Architecture
D. L. Martin, A. J. Cheyer, and D. B. Moran, "Building distributed software systems with the Open Agent Architecture," in Proc. of the Third International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, (Blackpool, Lancashire, UK), The Practical Application Company Ltd., March 1998.
Keywords: OAA, Open Agent Architecture
D. L. Martin, H. Oohama, D. Moran, and A. Cheyer, "Information brokering in an agent architecture," in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, (London), The Practical Application Company Ltd., April 1997.
Abstract: To date, document identification based on keyword matching strategies has been the basis of most efforts to provide assistance in accessing information resources on the Internet. However, in view of the limitations on human browsing time and the evolution of more capable software agents, we can expect rapid expansion in the use of fully queryable information sources (such as databases and knowledge bases) and semiqueryable sources (such as form-based query pages on the World Wide Web, and collections of Web pages that are structured by textual markups). ... This paper describes a working prototype Information Broker system, developed within the Open Agent Architecture framework, that provides transparent access to a variety of information sources, each encapsulated as an independent agent. ...
Keywords: OAA, Agent, Mediation, Intelligent Integration of Information
D. B. Moran, A. J. Cheyer, L. E. Julia, D. L. Martin, and S. Park, "Multimodal user interfaces in the Open Agent Architecture," in Proc. of the 1997 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI97), (Orlando, Florida), pp. 61--68, 6-9 January 1997. Copyright 1997 ACM (see http://www.acm.org/pubs/copyright_policy/).
Keywords: OAA, multimodal, multimedia, agents, agent architecture, speech, gesture, handwriting, natural language
D. B. Moran and A. J. Cheyer, "Intelligent agent-based user interfaces," in Proceedings of International Workshop on Human Interface Technology 95 (IWHIT'95), (Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan), pp. 7--10, The University of Aizu, 12-13 October 1995.
Abstract: We have developed, and are extending, a multimodal human-computer interface in which the selection of modalities to be used takes into account the available resources and the user's current environment and preferences. Our current work focuses primarily on interpreting multimodal inputs and adapting to available output modalities. We anticipate providing more intelligent production of multimodal output in future systems. We have an agent-based system architecture that we use to allow us to incrementally add functionality, and to substitute alternative handling of individual modalities.
Keywords: OAA, multimodal, multimedia
R. Moore, D. Appelt, J. Dowding, J. M. Gawron, and D. Moran, "Combining linguistic and statistical knowledge sources in natural-language processing for ATIS," in Proceedings ARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop, (Austin, Texas), 22-25 January 1995.
Abstract: During the past year, significant improvements have been made in the natural-language processing technology used in the SRI ATIS spoken-language understanding system. The principal developments have been (1) the incorporation of information from the natural-language grammar and lexicon into a statistical language model that is used in both speech recognition and language understanding, (2) implementation of a robust interpretation component that constructs queries out of grammatical fragments when an utterance cannot be analyzed as a single phrase or utterance, and (3) a new context mechanism for air travel planning that constructs an explicit model of the user's intended itinerary.
Keywords: Gemini, SLS, ATIS
J. Dowding, R. Moore, F. Andry, and D. Moran, "Interleaving syntax and semantics in an efficient bottom-up parser," in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico), pp. 110--116, June 1994.
Abstract: We describe an efficient bottom-up parser that interleaves syntactic and semantic structure building. Two techniques are presented for reducing search by reducing local ambiguity: Limited left-context constraints are used to reduce local syntactic ambiguity,and deferred sortal-constraint application is used to reduce local semantic ambiguity. We experimentally evaluate these techniques, and show dramatic reductions in both number of chart edges and total parsing time. The robust processing capabilities of the parser are demonstrated in its use in improving the accuracy of a speech recognizer.
Keywords: Gemini, SLS
R. Moore, M. Cohen, V. Abrash, D. Appelt, H. Bratt, J. Butzberger, L. Cherny, J. Dowding, H. Franco, J. M. Gawron, and D. Moran, "SRI's recent progress on the ATIS task," in Proceedings ARPA Spoken Language Systems Technology Workshop, (Merrill Lynch Conference Center, Princeton, New Jersey), 6--8 March 1994.
Keywords: Gemini, speech, SLS, ATIS
J. Dowding, J. M. Gawron, D. Appelt, J. Bear, L. Cherny, R. Moore, and D. Moran, "GEMINI: A natural language system for spoken-language understanding," in Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio), pp. 54--61, 22--26 June 1993.
Keywords: Gemini, SLS
P. R. Cohen, D. B. Moran, and S. L. Oviatt, "SHOPTALK: An integrated interface for factory information and operation," in Proceedings of IPC'91, (Ann Arbor, Michigan), pp. 811--822, Engineering Society of Detroit, April 1991.
Keywords: Shoptalk, multimodal, multimedia
J. Dowding, J. M. Gawron, D. Appelt, J. Bear, L. Cherny, R. Moore, and D. Moran, "Gemini: A natural language system for spoken-language understanding," Technical Note 527, AI Center, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, April 1993.
Abstract: Gemini is a natural language understanding system developed for spoken language applications. The paper describes the architecture of Gemini, paying particular attention to resolving the tension between robustness and overgeneration. Gemini features a broad-coverage unification-based grammar of English, fully interleaved syntactic and semantic processing in an all-paths, bottom-up parser, and an utterance-level parser to find interpretations of sentences that might not be analyzable as complete sentences. Gemini also includes novel components for recognizing and correcting grammatical disfluencies, and for doing parse preferences. This paper presents a component-by-component view of Gemini, providing detailed relevant measurements of size, efficiency, and performance.
Keywords: Gemini, Spoken Language
H. Murveit, D. Appelt, C. Barker, J. Bear, J. Butzberger, J. Dowding, E. Jackson, D. Magerman, R. Moore, D. Moran, A. Podlozny, P. Price, and M. Weintraub, "SRI's speech and natural language evaluation," in Proceedings Fourth DARPA Workshop on Speech and Natural Language, (Asilomar, California), 19--22 February 1991.
Keywords: Gemini, speech, SLS, ATIS
D. B. Moran and F. C. N. Pereira, "Quantifier scoping," in The Core Language Engine (H. Alshawi, ed.), ch. 8, pp. 149--172, Cambridge, Massachusetts: A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, 1991.
Keywords: quantifier scoping, CLE
P. Price, V. Abrash, D. Appelt, J. Bear, J. Bernstein, B. Bly, J. Butzberger, M. Cohen, E. Jackson, R. Moore, D. Moran, H. Murveit, and M. Weintraub, "Spoken language system integration and development," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), (Kobe, Japan), 1990.
Keywords: Gemini, SLS, ATIS
R. Moore, D. Appelt, J. Bear, M. Dalrymple, and D. Moran, "SRI's experience with the ATIS evaluation," in Proceedings Speech and Natural Language Workshop, Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, (San Mateo, California), pp. 147--148, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc, 24--27 June 1990.
P. R. Cohen, M. Dalrymple, D. B. Moran, F. C. N. Pereira, J. W. Sullivan, R. A. Gargan, J. L. Schlossberg, and S. W. Tyler, "Synergistic use of direct manipulation and natural language," in Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI'89 Conference Proceedings, (New York, New York), pp. 227--234, ACM, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., April 1989.
Keywords: Shoptalk, multimodal, multimedia
P. R. Cohen, M. Dalrymple, D. B. Moran, and F. C. N. Pereira, "ShopTalk: an integrated interface for decision support in manufacturing," in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium Series, vol. AI in Manufacturing, (Stanford University, Stanford, California), pp. 11--15, 28-30 March 1989.
Keywords: Shoptalk, multimodal, multimedia
H. Alshawi and D. B. Moran, "The Delphi model and some preliminary experiments," in Proceedings of the Fifth International Logic Programming Conference and Symposium, pp. 1578--1589, The MIT Press, 1988.
Keywords: delphi, parallel processing, logic programming
H. Alshawi, D. M. Carter, J. van Eijck, R. C. Moore, D. B. Moran, and S. G. Pulman, "Overview of the Core Language Engine," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, (Tokyo, Japan), pp. 1108--1115, 28 November -- 2 December 1988.
Keywords: CLE
D. B. Moran, "Quantifier scoping in the SRI Core Language Engine," in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (State University of New York at Buffalo), pp. 33--40, 7--10 June 1988.
Keywords: quantifier scoping, CLE
E. Craighill, D. Moran, and R. Brungardt, "Research in information structures and software architectures for C3I systems," in Joint Defense Laboratories Conference on Command, Control and Communications (C3), (Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C.), June 1987.
Keywords: CCWS, multimedia, multimodal
L. Aguilar, J. J. Garcia-Luna, D. B. Moran, E. J. Craighill, and R. Brungardt, "An architecture for a multimedia teleconferencing system," in SIGCOMM `86 Symposium: Communications Architectures and Protocols, August 1986.
Keywords: CCWS, multimedia, multimodal
A. Poggio, J. J. Garcia-Luna, E. J. Craighill, D. B. Moran, and L. Aguilar, "CCWS: A computer-based, multimedia information system," IEEE Computer, October 1985.
Keywords: CCWS, multimedia, multimodal
D. B. Moran, "The representation of inconsistent information in a dynamic model-theoretic semantics," in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), pp. 16--18, 16--18 June 1982.
Keywords: Montague, PTQ
D. B. Moran, "Presupposition and implicature in model-theoretic pragmatics," in Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (Stanford University, Stanford, California), pp. 107--108, 29 June -- 1 July 1981.
Keywords: Montague, PTQ
D. B. Moran, Model-Theoretic Pragmatics: Dynamic Models and an Application to Presupposition and Implicature. PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer and Communication Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 1980.
Keywords: Montague, PTQ