"How did you cast your ballot this year?" "Respondents","Response Date","Did not vote. Please comment why -- Since you are taking this survey, we presume you weren't uninterested." 1,Nov 10 2009 10:03 PM,"late from work" 2,Nov 11 2009 5:13 PM,"I threw my absentee ballot in the recyclables :-(" 3,Nov 11 2009 6:57 PM,"I'm discouraged by the actions of the current city council and didn't hold much hope for the candidates" 4,Nov 11 2009 7:59 PM,"I actually hand delivered my ballot to city hall" 5,Nov 11 2009 11:12 PM,"Busy. I usually vote but I just couldn't take the time to read up about issues or candidates and I didn't want to vote blindly." 6,Nov 14 2009 12:35 AM,"I did not have time" 7,Nov 14 2009 3:42 AM,"completely forgot" 8,Nov 15 2009 2:38 AM,"just forgot this time" 9,Nov 16 2009 4:52 AM,"too many candidates, most of which i knew little about" 10,Nov 16 2009 4:26 PM,"Got too busy and forgot the polling deadline (intended to hand in mail-in ballot)"