PTOD: California Avenue Pedstrian/Transit Oriented Development Combining District
Council hearing 2006-July-17
- Submission to Council (Doug Moran)
- Attachments to the City Manager's Report (Staff report) with additional bookmarks:
for the beginning of individual attachments, and for the references called out in my submission (bookmarks in bold type)
Each part is roughly 10 MBytes
- Documents from the City web site
Public testimony on this item was completed at the 2006-July-17 meeting,
but Council discussion (and decision) was held over to the 2006-July-24 meeting.
Although the public testimony is closed,
you may still send e-mail to Council
It is item 3 on the agenda.
In my Submission to Council,
I used 87,500 sqft as the maximum calculated retail space
(Attachment D, page 12).
On the previous page, there is a number of 190,000 sqft.
I did not use this number because it was explained to me
as a first approximation (labelled "theoretical")
that included required components that were easy to compute.
The number I cited was the one computed by staff/consultants
that incorporated the adjustments based upon practical experience
(such as the need for streets within a 12-acre property).
This was presented as the realistic maximum for this site,
so it was the one I used.