[[This is a reformatting of the PowerPoint slides used in the oral presentation.]]
Comments on
Arastradero Restriping Trial Extension
(P&TC Hearing, 2011-07-13)
Douglas B. Moran
790 Matadero Ave
Traffic Calming
Remembering the Basics
- Smoothing traffic flow:
- Goal: maintain thruput
- Allows lower peak speeds, improves safety
- Not simply slowing traffic
- More predictable traffic movements
- Fewer decisions & distractions & stress
- Fewer mistakes, improves safety
- Road rage not dismissed as "drivers shouldn't"
Cut-thru Traffic
(Maybell, Los Robles, Laguna, Matadero)
- Poor metric being used: no observed decrease in traffic on Arastradero
- Fallacy: assumes no increase in the corridor
- Anecdotal for Matadero for peak hours
- Traffic light queue doubling
- More packs of cars from the light
Disregarding Needs of Drivers
- Origin? Difficulty of doing anything put disproportionate burden on vehicular traffic
- Impression: feedback from drivers ignored. Examples:
- Signage and lane markers: too little, too late
- @Terman: Brief stretch expands to two thru lanes and then merges down (Opposite of traffic calming)
- Missing left-turn pocket for Miranda just before Foothill creates long backups (exacerbating pre-existing)
[[At the hearing: staff said that they would be moving to create this pocket in response to problems for the Arastradero West apartments.]]
Personal Observation
as driver
- Caveat: I avoid peak hours
- Worse than before
- Worse congestion, including congestion at times it didn't previously occur
- Less predictability: Lane changes and merges from layout worse than left-turning cars in 4-lane scheme
- ? More cut-thru traffic?
- Flaws fixable??
- Available capacity for growth in the Research Park?