Appendix - Liaison with National Guard
The National Guard is a critical portion of relief operations.
However, in any local disaster big enough to have National Guard involvement,
the priorities are such that
they are unlikely to be in Palo Alto
in any noticeable number.
If they are present, the plan is that they would be part of the
"Unified Command" involving police, fire, ...
Palo Alto's leaders think that this organizational arrangement
handles the problems that have arisen elsewhere.
My experience is that there will be problems at the lower level:
where small units of the Guard come in contact with residents.
- Confusion over who is in charge:
- Residents view Guard as there to help.
- The Guard comes in with the sense that their role is to
restore and maintain order.
No information about who are resources
(eg, neighborhood leaders and other prominent people).
- Clashing personalities
- Residents will have gone through a lot before the Guard arrives
and will feel that they have a level of ownership of the problem.
- Residents - especially younger males - will be very territorial.
- Guard's training as soldiers - basic doctrine is quick application
of overwhelming force - is a poor match for dealing with residents
in their expected psychological state.
- Younger males in the Guard will be especially quick to try to
establish dominance in situations, potentially escalating problems.
Additional details:
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