Appendix - C3I - Communications
Local commercial Radio - KZSU
- Inform residents where to tune
- Getting information to station for broadcast: presumably via EOC
Hobbyist broadcast radio - suitable for large neighborhoods.
HAM Radio
Highly capable radios and trained (and licensed) operators.
Tasked for communication between key groups of responders:
- City EOC
- CERT trailers
- other major City groups
- Being used by CERTs for communication between trailers and themselves
- Expected to be used by the Block and Neighborhood Coordinators.
- Available in many electronics stores (e.g., Fry's Electronics, BestBuy)
- GMRS requires a license ($80 for 5 years = $55 application + $5/year),
(but this requirement seems to be ignored by most users).
Since there is no competency test, this is really a fee.
- Arrangement with various merchants (e.g., Fry's Electronics, Radio Shack, ???)
- Compensation
- Updated location in store (for quick grab)
- Instructions for new operators
- Problem: using large number of handsets on a very limited number of channels requires discipline. More discipline than we can expect. What are the appropriate tradeoffs.
- Usage
- Call signs
- ???
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