Appendix - Logistics - Supplies
- Generic - arranging access
- Water - potable
- Water - non-potable
- Fuel - recovering local storage
- Food
- Electrical Power
- Generators
- Cleaner Power -
Power from the typical generator is "dirty,"
beyond what many items of electronic equipment
are designed to work with.
Note: This does not mean that such equipment won't work:
It may, it may not, or it may work with occasional failures
and shortened lifespan.
- Inverters for automobiles
- Smaller electronic equipment, including laptop computers,
can be run off the electrical system of automobiles.
- Batteries for battery-powered devices can be recharged
from car batteries
- Support: prepare to get additional inverters from
stores (Fry's, Auto Parts, ...)
- Refrigeration
- Medications
- Extend usability of existing stock of food
- Corpses
- Other???
- Inventory control/Classified Ads - registry
- Who has supplies that are likely to be needed
- Who has need for various supplies
- Matches: direct people to source
- Non-matches: announce the need
- Medical Supplies
- Finance
- enabling a range of financial transactions
so that people can purchase supplies
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