GG Scenario Element - Notification-Retail
Element Title: Notification-Retail
- Theme:
Using retail businesses to reach people who were missed by CANS
(PA residents and non-residents)
- Action Summary:
Notication and materials to CAADA leadership.
CAADA produces copies and posts.
Employees in (participating) stores wear masks and
point people to posters on preventative measures.
- Cast:
- CAADA Leadership
- Selected CAADA Stores
- Locale:
- Location in scenario:
- Prerequisites:
Parallels Notification1 and Notification2.
- Enables: none (it is a parallel track)
- Checklist items addressed:
- Parallels Notification1 and Notification2, with different media
- Evaluation:
- Includes that from Notification1 and Notification2
- Not evaluation of store personnel, but influenced by their contribution
- Are window posting effective? Remember people have problems taking notes
- Psychological impact of store personnel wearing masks: Does it help?
- Store management: problems passing getting personnel up-to-speed?
- Web site questionnaire? - reference by card
- Detailed Action:
- Steps:
- PIO recasts basic message in form of poster
- PIO adds message for store personnel on social distancing for store staff,
for example, encouraging customers to maintain distance,
especially in checkout line.
- PIO transmits to CAADA
- CAADA rep gets masks and gloves from Maximart for (participating) stores
- CAADA rep reproduces
- CAADA rep distributes to (selected) stores
- Stores post in windows (similar to restaurant menu)
- Stores provide take-away card for evaluation site
- Information distribution/HA:
- Same content as in Notification1 and Notification2
- Different format: suitable for window posting
- Information collection/HA:
- Same as in Notification1 and Notification2,
except that it needs different media,
for example, instead of CANS menu response,
uses web site or ?calling in?
- Information distribution/Internal:
- Information collection/Internal:
- Information fusion:
- Info from feedback from these media combined with feedback from CANS
- Other:
- :
Version Info: $Revision: $ $Date: $