King Arthur movie (July 2004) - extended terminology
In the movie King Arthur (2004),
the tribes led by Arthur against the Saxons
are called Woads.
Terminology that the movie could have used:
- Woad warrior : soldier
- Woad kill : a dead Saxon
- Woad work : a battle
- Off Woading : a Woad off at war
- Woad sign : what Saxons use to track a Woad
- Woad way : the Woad religion
- Main Woad : the Woad chieftan
- High Woad : the leader of the Woad religion
- Low Woad : a midget Woad
- Woad side : allies of the Woad
- Cross Woad : an angry Woad
- Rough Woad : a bully
- Bumpy Woad : a bumpkin
- Back country Woad : from a distant rural community
- Wet Woad : a Woad who likes to drink to much / A wounded Woad
and so on ...
Douglas B. Moran
Palo Alto, California
July 2004
Version Info: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/07/10 07:06:51 $