Demo Planning
- Audience:
- Background
- Level of presentation (high-level/technical/...)
- What are their ``buttons'' (to be pushed, to be avoided)
- Time limits (attention span)
- How many? (over-the-shoulder demo, lecture, ...)
- Content
- Focus/Objective: what are we trying to convey
- Highlights: issues, accomplishments, future work
- Presentation style choices
- Intent:
- What can be expected in the near-term, or
- Vision of what could be accomplished in the longer term
- Highly interactive:
- demonstrate only core capabilities that have been well debugged
- Tightly scripted:
- can show wider range of features
- script steps around ragged edges and newly developed parts
- Scenario
- Concern: minimize time required to explain the demo
Leave enough time for the demo and explanation of the technology
- Tradeoff: scenario that is familiar or not
Potential Problems:
- familiar scenario
- audience focuses on discrepancies from reality
% eg using great circle routes for ships, ignoring landmasses
- audience engages in discussion of scenario
- audience steps outside bounds of scenario
- unfamiliar scenario
- explanation time
- making linkages to the audience's applications
- Concern: the supporting technology should not steal the show
- too flashy or high profile
- a related interest of the audience