Caveat 1:
These acronyms were accumulated starting in 1985.
Some are undoubtedly obsolete,
and others are not relevant to our current enterprise.
Caveat 2:
Items within categories are not ordered.
This originated as a flat file database.
Search this database using the FIND function in your browser.
Other Collections
- What
- BASIS: Binary Authentication Signatures Integrity Standard
- SMI: Security Management Infrastructure
- PKI: Public Key Infrastructure/Initiative
- VDB: Vulnerability Data Base
- TSF: Trusted Security Function
- TOE: Target of Evaluation
- PROVID: policy violation
- SANS: System Administration, Networking and Security (SANS Institute, sponsor of various conferences)
- BSM: Basic Security Moddule (product of Sun Microsystems)
- CGM: Content Generation Module (component of ManTrap from Recourse Technologies, Inc)
- COPS: Computer Oracle and Password System, by Dan Farmer at Purdue (circa 1991?)
- IDS: Intrusion Detection System
- RTID: Real-Time Intrusion Detection
- ISS: Internet Security Scanner (computer program that begat the company)
- ISS: Internet Security Systems (company)
- RAID: Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (workshop series, began in 1998)
- IDWG: IETF Intrusion Detection Working Group (formed 1998)
- AAFID: Autonomous Agents For Intrusion Detection (research system at Purdue University; pronounced "aphid")
- SNMS: Shadow Network Management System (research system at DSO National Labs, Singapore)
- NSA Glossary of Terms Used in Security and Intrusion Detection
- Hacker vs Cracker
Business Terms
For names of organizations and products, use section 'commercial'
- BAFO: best and final offer
- CAS: cost accounting standards
- ECP: engineering change proposal
- EOL: end of life, transition
- IAW: in accordance with
- IDIQ: indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (often used with T&M contracts ("Time and Materials"))
- IFB: invitation for bid
- ITQ: invitation to quote
- IV&V: independent verification and validation
- LOE: level of effort
- NLT: not later than
- NTE: not-to-exceed
- POC: point of contact
- RFE: request for enhancement
- RFI: request for information
- RFP: request for proposal
- RFQ: request for quote
- ROI: return on investment
- ROM: rough order of magnitude
- SOW: statement of work
- TBD: to be determined
- TBS: to be specified
- OEM: original equipment manufacturer
- T&M: Time and Materials
- IP: Intellectual Property
- IPR: Intellectual Property Rights
- SKU: Stock Keeping Unit
Commercial Organizations and Products
- Sematech: Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Institute -- consortium of US chip makers -- design and production of new chips. Funding $1billion
- CCA: Computer Corporation of America
- BBN: Bolt, Beranek and Newman
- SAIC: Science Applications International Corp.
- ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- COS: Corporation for Open Systems
- LOI: Letter of Intent
- MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding
- SRD: System Requirements Document
- MRD: Marketing Requirements Document
- COB: Close of Business
Communications Products, especially Computer Communications
- EIGRP: Enhanced Internet Gateway Routing Protocol
- ISP: Internet Service Provider
- NAT: Network Address Translation
- SPAN: Switched Port ANalyzer (protocol)
- RMON: Remote MONitoring (protocol)
- RMON2: Remote MONitoring (protocol), version 2
- MPM: Message Processing Module
- OSI: Open System Inteconnection
- GOSIP: Government (USA) Open System Inteconnection Profile
- MAP: Manufacturing Automation Protocols
- TOP: Technical and Office Protocols (Products)
- DSL: Digital Subscriber Line
- ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network (aka "I Still Don't Need it")
- HDLC: High-level Data Link Control
- CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
- 802.3: IEEE CSMA/CD (eg Ethernet)
- 802.4: IEEE Token Bus
- 802.5: IEEE Token Ring
- TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
- IP: Internet Protocol
- ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
- UDP: User Datagram Protocol
- UTC: Universal Time Coordinated
- ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
- VPN: Virtual Private Network
- DDN: Defense Data Network
- ARIN: American Registry of Internet Numbers
- ISO: International Standards Organization
- CCITT: Consulting Committee International of Telephone and Telegraph
- CCITT: Comite' Consultatif International de Telephone et Telegraph
- FTAM: File Transfer, Access and Management
- CASE: Common Application Service Elements
- CCR: Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (Procedures)
- LAN: Local Area Network
- WAN: Wide Area Network
- SWAN: Sun's Wide Area Network
- ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- PBX: Private Branch Exchange
- X.25: CCITT packet network
- X.75: CCITT Internetworking between X.25 networks
- X.200: CCITT mail
- ENE: Enterprise Network Event (June 1988?)--demo of MAP/TOP/ISO connectivity
- T1: 1.544Mbits/sec
- WAIS: Wide Area Information Service
- OSN: Open Systems Network
- FARNET: Federation of American Research Networks
- NAP: Network Access Points (NSFNET)
- RA: Routing Authority (NSFNET)
- RNP: Regional Network Provider (NSFNET)
- ISP: Internet Service Provider
- ANS: Advanced Networking Services
- FIX: Federal Information Exchange
- DUA: Directory User Agent (X.500)
- DSA: Directory System Agent (X.500)
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol (TCP/IP)
- PNNI: Private Network-Network Interface
- SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (TCP/IP)
- SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol (TCP/IP)
- WWW: World Wide Web (typically accessed through Mosaic)
- WAIS: Wide Area Information System
- X.400: The CCITT and ISO standard for electronic mail. Widely used in Europe.
- X.500: hierarchical (e-mail) directory protocol (part of ISO's OSI)
- DAP: Directory Access Protocol (X.500)
- LDAP: Lightweight DAP (Directory Access Protocol) (X.500)
- NII: National Information Infrastructure
- ACL: Access Control List: List of services available, and accepted hosts
- AUP: Acceptable Use Policy
- BBS: Bulletin Board System
- BIND: Berkeley Internet Name Daemon (for Domain Name Service)
- BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
- CNI: Coalition for Networked Information
- DNS: Domain Name Service
- FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name
- EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
- FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- FNC: Federal Networking Council
- HIPPI: High Performance Parallel Interface
- IAB: Internet Architecture Board
- IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
- IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol
- IRC: Internet Relay Chat
- LLC: Logical Link Control
- MIB: Management Information Base (esp SNMP)
- MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit
- NFS: Network File System
- NTP: Network Time Protocol
- OSPF: Open Shortest Path First (protocol)
- PING: Packet INternet Groper
- PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
- PSN: Packet Switch Node
- RTT: Round-Trip Time
- SLIP: Serial Line IP
- SNA: Systems Network Architecture
- YP: Yellow Pages
- SNS: Secure Network Server (US DoD only?)
- RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (from IETF Working Group)
- RSVP: Resource ReSerVation Protocol
- LEO: Low Earth Orbit (satellite)
- QoS: Quality of Service
Computers, misc
- DMZ: DeMilitarized Zone (firewall analogy from military)
- CLOS: Common Lisp Object System
- NeWS: Network Extensible Window System (Sun, obsolete)
- DTD: Document Type Definition (SGML, HTML, XML)
- SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language
- XML: Extensible Markup Language
- CASE: Computer Aided Software Engineering
- CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- COSE: Common Open Software Environment (Sun+HP+...)
- CDE: Common Desktop Environment (Sun+...)
- PCTE: Portable Common Tool Environment (ECMA)
- ECMA: European Computer Manufacturers' Association
- OLIS: On-Line Information System
- PDL: Program Design Language
- BSD: Berkeley Standard Distribution (of UNIX)
- FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface (potential optical fiber LAN standard)
- VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration
- VLIW: Very Long Instruction Word
- RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computing
- WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get
- WIMP: Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointers (user interface)
- VMEbus: Virtual Machine Eurocard bus
- ABI: Applications Binary Interface (Sun, Unix)
- SQL: Structured Query Language (DBMS)
- UIMS: User Interface Management System
- ICCCM: Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual (X11)
- SEI: Software Engineering Institute (at CMU)
- GUI: Graphical User Interface
- API: Application Programming/Programmer Interface
- GigaLIPS: SICS, Manchester University (UK), Argonne National Labs + Imperial College (London), MCC, ICOT, ECRC
- ICOT: Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (Japan)
- Motif: OSF X window system toolkit
- TAC: Terminal Access Controller (ARPAnet)
- MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- SCSI: Small Computer System(?) Interface
- CBT: Computer-Based Training
- RAM: Random Access Memory
- DRAM: Dynamic RAM (Random Access Memory), sometimes "dRAM"
- SRAM: Static RAM (Random Access Memory)
- ECC: Error Correcting Code (usually ECC memory, as opposed to parity Memory)
- PMEG: Page Map Entry Group (basic unit of hardware page table cache)
- COTS: Commercial Off The Shelf (eg hardware, software) (primarily govt usage)
- ADP: automated data processing
- ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
- BSC: binary synchronous communication
- CAD: computer-aided design
- CADD: computer-aided drafting and design
- CAD/A: computer-aided design/analysis
- CAE: computer-aided engineering
- CAGD: computer-aided graphic design
- CALS: computer-aided logistics support
- CAM: computer-aided manufacturing
- CAP: computer-aided publishing
- CASE: computer-aided software engineering
- CIM: computer integrated manufacturing
- CIM: Corporate Information Management
- CISC: complex instruction set computer
- CM: configuration management
- CMOS: complementary metal oxide semiconductor
- CPU: Central Processing Unit
- DES: Data Encryption Standard
- DID: Data Item Description
- DMA: Direct Memory Access
- DTE: Data Terminal Equipment
- EDA: Electronic Design Automation
- EMI: Electromagnetic Interference
- FPA: floating point accelerator
- GPIB: general purpose instrument bus (official name: IEEE 488)
- HOL: high order language
- IC: integrated circuit
- IGES: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
- ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISO: International Standards Organization
- JCL: job control language (IBM)
- LAN: local area network
- MIPS: million instructions per second
- MIS: management information system
- MMU: memory management unit
- MTBF: mean time between failures
- MTTR: mean time to repair
- MSDOS: Microsoft's disk operating system for personal computers (i80x86)
- OA: office automation
- PAL: programmable array logic
- PC: personal computer or printed circuit
- PCDOS: personal computer disk operating system (see also MSDOS)
- PCMCIA: personal computer memory card international association
- PDES: Product Definition Exchange Specification
- PEX: PHIGS Extension to X11
- PHIGS: Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard
- POSIX: Portable Operating System Interface
- PROM: programmable read-only memory
- RISC: reduced instruction set computer
- RJE: remote job entry (IBM-ish term)
- RPC: remote procedure call
- SCSI: small computer systems interface
- SLAN: Secure Local Area Network
- SMD: Storage Module Drive (disk interface for large disks on servers circa 1980-1990)
- SNA: Systems Network Architecture (IBM term)
- SVID: System V (five) Interface Definition
- SVR4: System V (five) Release 4
- TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol
- TOP: Technical and Office Protocol
- VHSIC: Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
- WAIS: Wide Area Information Server
- WAN: wide area network
- RFC: request for comment
- DCE: Distributed Computing Environment (from OSF)
- DME: Distributed Management Environment (from OSF)
- DOE: Distributed Objects Everywhere (Sun, HP,...)
- OMG: Object Management Group
- GKS: Graphical Kernel System
- OSF: Open System (Software?) Foundation (Apollo, Bull, DEC, H-P, IBM, Nixdorf, Siemens)
- OSF/1: Operating System from OSF
- POST: Power-On Self-Test
- CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team
- FIRST: Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
- CSIRT: Computer Security and Incident Response Team
- QBE: Query By Example
- GNU: Gnu's Not Unix
- HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language (World Wide Web + ...)
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator (World Wide Web)
- HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol (World Wide Web)
- WWW: World Wide Web
- W3: World Wide Web
- EBL: Explanation Based Learning
- KIF: Knowlege Interchange Format
- KQML: Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
- SKTP: Simple Knowledge Transfer Protocol (supports KQML)
- HCI: Human Computer Interface (see also CHI)
- ANSII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
- DEK: Data Encryption Key
- MAGIC: Multidimensional Applications Gigabit Internet Consortium (ARPA funded)
- MSSA: Multi-Service Storage Architecture
- GIF: Graphics Interchange Format
- JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group - defines compression techniques ("JPEG" is a commonly used alias for file format JFIF)
- JFIF: JPEG File Interchange Format
- MPEG: "Motion picture" version of JPEG
- TIFF: Tag Image File Format (popular on Macintosh and NeXT), often uses CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 compression (also used in FAX) and JPEG compression
- XBM: X BitMap
- XPM: X PixMap
- XWD: X Window Dump
- PICT: often used on Macintosh
- BMP: MS Windows Bitmap
- TGA: aka Targa (bitmap file format)
- PBM: Portable Bitmap (part of X distribution)
- PPM: Portable PixMap (part of X distribution)
- PGM: Portable GrayMap (part of X distribution)
- MAPI: Mail API
- TAPI: Telephony API
- ODC: Open Database Connectivity API
- OLE: Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft)
- SATAN: Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema)
- COPS: Computer Oracle and Password System (by Dan Farmer)
- PKI: Public Key Infrastructure
- MAS: Multi-Agent System
- MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- FEC: Forward Error Recovery (networking, esp multicast)
- ARQ: Automatic Repeat Request (networking, esp multicast)
- IS: Information System
- RTC: Real-Time Clock
- I18N: Internationalization (18 = char count between "I" and "N")
E-mail messages
- BOF: Birds of a Feather (interest group)
- BTW: By The Way
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (eg FAQ files)
- FYI: For Your Information
- HTH: hope this helps
- IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
- IMO: In My Opinion
- IMNSHO: In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
- TIA: Thanks In Advance
- TTFN: TaTa For Now
European Organizations
- EU: European Union
- EEC: (obsolete, now the EU) European Economic Community ("Common Market")
- ESPRIT: European Strategic Program on Research and Information Technology (EEC)
- RSRE: Radio Signal Research Establishment (Malvern, England)
- ???: Admiralty Research Establishment (Portsmouth, England)
- NDRE: Norwegian Defense Research Establishment
- NTA: Norwegian Telecommunications Agency
- NTARE: Norwegian Telecommunications Agency Research Establishment
- SICS: Swedish Institute for Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Natural Language
- HMM: Hidden Markov Model (common speech recognition approach)
- MRD: Machine Readable Dictionary
- LDOCE: Longman's Dictionary of Contemporary English
- CED: Collins English Dictionary
- DCG: Definite Clause Grammar
Expert Systems
- KEE: Knowledge Engineering Environment (Intellicorp)
- KES: Knowledge Engineering System (Software A&E, Arlington, VA)
- TIMM: The Intelligent Machine Model (Gen Research, Santa Barbara, CA)
- S1: (Teknowledge)
- M1: (Teknowledge)
- ART: Automated Reasoning Tool (Inference Corp)
- CONUS: CONtinental United States (usually excludes Alaska -> CONtinguous)
- NIH: "Not Invented Here"
- TLA: Three Letter Acronym (self-referential)
- ROM: Rough Order of Magnitude (more precise than a WAG)
- WAG: Wild-Ass Guess (less precise than a ROM)
- SWAG: Silly Wild-Ass Guess (WAG)
- RSI: Repetitive Stress Injury
- CTS: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Societies and Journals
- IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- NCAI: The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics
- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
- CACM: Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (flagship publication)
- AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
- SIGART: ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
- SIGGRAPH: Special Interest Group on Graphics
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee
- CHI: Computer Human Interface (conference) (see also HCI)
- JAIR: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Research Organizations
- UMIACS: University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
- INRIA: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
- ETRI: Electronic & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea
- CERN: European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Geneva Switzerland
- NCSA: National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois
- CMU: Carnegie-Mellon University
- MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NonUS Universities
- KAIST: Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- NSM: National Stock Number
- NDC: National Drug Code
- ATE: automated test equipment
- JIT: Just In Time (procurement of supplies)
- MPS: Master Production Scheduling
- MRP: Material Requirements Planning
- MRP: Material Resource Planning (MRP II)
- WIP: Work In Progress
- CAD: Computer Aided Design
- CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing??
- CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing?? (preferred/successor to CAD/CAM)
- DDM: Data Driven Manufacturing (DEC project)
- DICE: DARPA Concurrent Engineering Program
- TIME: Tandem Integrated Manfacturing Environment
- CALS: Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (AirForce pgm)
- PDES: Product Data Exchange Specification
- RAMP: Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts (US Navy pgm)
- ECO: Engineering Change Order
- ROM: Rough Order of Magnitude (Mgmt/Financial)
- WAM: Wild-Ass Guess (Mgmt/Financial)
- QA: Quality Assurance
Sun Microsystems Computer Corp, abbrevs, products, ...
- ACM: Area Channel Manager (USFO field-based)
- AEC: architectural, engineering, and construction
- AFO: Americas Field Operations (part of AIS)
- AIS: Americas Information Services (Sun IR)
- ALM: asynchronous line multiplexer (HW product: terminal multiplexor)
- ASED/M: Area Systems Engineering Director/Manager (USFO field-based)
- ATMD/M: Area Tactical Marketing Director/Manager (USFO field-based)
- AVP: Area Vice President (USFO field-based)
- BIT: built-in test
- CGI: computer graphics interface (obsolete SW product - between SunCORE and GKS)
- CLIN: contract line item number
- CSCI: computer software configuration item
- DSO: days sales outstanding
- EU: enduser (customer type)
- FCA: functional configuration audit
- FCS: first customer shipment
- FFP: firm fixed price
- FRU: field replaceable unit
- GB: graphics buffer
- GP: graphics processor
- IR: internetwork router (SW product)
- ISV: Independent Software Vendor
- JLE: Japanese Language Environment (for SunOS)
- LTD: live test demo
- MT: material transfer
- NAAFO: North American & Australian Field Ops (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
- ND: network disk (obsolete: NFS predecessor)
- NeWS: Network extensible Window System (SW product)
- NFS: network file system (protocol; part of SunOS)
- NRE: non-recurring engineering
- OCL: object code license (new licensing term to replace RTU)
- OPCOM: Operation Commitment (NAAFO enduser customers doing Solaris Migration)
- OSS: Online Support Services
- RDF: Reseller Developer Funds (US Channels term)
- RONABIT: return on net assets before interest and taxes
- RTU: Right To Use (licensing term)
- SCP: SunLink Communications Processor (board)
- SE: Systems Engineer
- SMCC: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
- SMI: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- SPARC: Scalable Processor ARChitecture
- SPM: Sales Program Manager (USFO field-based)
- SPOC: Sun Product Order Checker (part of SalesDesk)
- SPR: Sales Program Representative (USFO field-based)
- SR: Sales Representative
- SS: SunSoft
- SS: SPARCstation, SPARCserver
- STE: Sun Technology Enterprises
- SunSITE: Sun Software, Information, & Technology Exchange
- SX: SunExpress
- USFO: United States Field Operations (part of NAAFO)
- VAR: Value-Added Reseller
- VEU: Volume End User
- WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
- WWFO: World-Wide Field Operations (part of SMCC)
- XDR: eXternal Data Representation (RPC protocol)
- XIL: X11 Imaging Language (software product) (extensions to the X11 protocol for imaging)
non-DoD US Government
- NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NSF: National Science Foundation
- NBS: National Bureau of Standards - now National Institute of Standards and Technology
- NCSC: National Computer Security Center (Bethesda, MD) (NSA)
- NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards)
- SETD: System Engineering and Technical Direction ("lead" contractor, see also SETA)
- SETA: ??System Engineering and Technical Administration ("lead" contractor, see also SETD)
- FCCSET: Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering and Technology (pronounced "Fix It")
- FRICC: Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee
- GAO: General Accounting Office
- OSTP: Office of Science and Technology Policy
- FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation
- FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standards
- GFE: Government Furnished Equipment
- GSA: Government Services Administration
- NIH: National Institutes of Health (note that Institutes is plural)
- TIIAP: Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program of NTIA (conceived as part of NII)
- NTIA: National Telecommunications and Information Administration (part of NII)
- FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
- FOIA: Freedom of Information Act
- NCIC: National Crime Information Computer (FBI)
- FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (US)
- HBCU: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (typically "HBCU and MI")
- MI: Minority Institutions (typically "HBCU and MI")
General Military Terms
- LOS: Line of Sight
- ELOS: Extended LOS
- BLOS: Beyond LOS
- OOTW: Operations Other Than War
- CINC: commander-in-chief
- AFCEA: Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
(Defense) Advanced Research Projects Agency
- DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (sometimes simply ARPA)
- ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency (variant on DARPA)
- TRP: Technology Reinvestment Project (ARPA)
- RAU: Readiness, Affordability, Useability
- IFD: Integrated Feasibility Demonstration
- ISD: Information Superiority Demonstration
- TVS: Text, Video, Speech (also "TVs")
- STOW: Synthetic (alt. Simulated) Theater of War (related to ModSAF)
- TIE: Technical Integrator Experiment
- BIT: Broadband Information Technology (in ARPA/ITO)
- Bitway: BIT (Broadband Information Technology) network (ARPA/ITO)
- DMIF: Dynamic Multiuser Information Fusion
- MEII: Minimum Essential Information Infrastructure
- IS: Information Survivability
- ASAP: Agent Standards Architecture Protocol (ISO, Ray Emami)
- BADD: Battlefield Awareness and Data Dissemination
National Security Agency
- NSA: National Security Agency
- NSA: Never Say Anything
- NSA: No Such Agency
- UCA: Unified Cryptologic Architecture
- SPOCK: Security Proof of Concept Keystone
DoD organizations, programs and other terms, not related to specific service
- DoD: Department of Defense (US)
- DOD: Department of Defense (US)
- OSD: Office of the Secretary of Defense
- ASD: Assistant Secretary of Defense
- ASDC3I: ASD for C3I
- JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JPO: Joint Program Office
- JTF: Joint Task Force
- ATD: Advanced Technology Demonstration
- DISA: Defense Information Systems Agency
- DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency
- 6.1: Basic Research
- 6.2: Exploratory Development
- 6.3: Advanced Development
- DCA: Defense Communications Agency
- OAT: Office of Advanced Technology (DCA)
- C4S: Center for Command, Control, and Communications Systems (DCA)
- JDL: Joint Defense Laboratory (at RADC)
- JDL: Joint Directors of Laboratories (RADC/NOSC/CECOM)
- JDL C3: Joint Directors of Laboratories C3
- CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
- NSA: National Security Agency / No Such Agency / Never Say Anything
- IDA: Institute for Defense Analyses
- NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
- NSC: National Security Council
- DODIIS: Dept of Defense Intelligence Information System
- DoDISS: Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards
- C2: Command and Control
- C3: Command, Control and Communications
- C3I: Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
- C3I: Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence
- C3 SA: C3 System Architecture (DARPA)
- ALBM: AirLand Battle Management (DARPA program)
- ALV: Autonomous Land Vehicle (DARPA program)
- STARS: Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems
- DDN: Defense Data Network
- DSInet: Defense Simulation Internet
- JTF: Joint Task Force (ATD at ARPA/SISTO)
- TD: Total Distribution (ATD at ARPA/ASTO)
- JWID: Joint Warrior Interoperability Demo (ATD at Rome Lab)
- MISSI: Multilevel Information System Security Initiative
- DMS: Defense Message System
- SAF: Semi-Automated Forces (training involving simulation) aka SAFORS
- SAFORS: Semi-Automated Forces (training involving simulation) aka SAF
- ModSAF: Modular SAF (Semi-Automated Forces)
- IFOR: Intelligent Forces (ARPA)
- CCSIL: Command & Control Simulation Interface Language (pronounced "cecil")
- CFOR: Command FORces (simulation)
- DIS: Distributed Interactive Simulation
- AAAI: Accelerated Acquisition Architecture Initiative
- A3I: Accelerated Acquisition Architecture Initiative
- WWMCCS: World Wide Military Command and Control System
- GCCS: Global Command and Control System
- LES: Leading Edge Services
- RIDGE: Rapid Integrated Database Generation Experiments
- RTV: Rapid Terrain Visualization
- ACTD: Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
- OODA: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (C2 loop)
- COE: Common Operating Environment (DISA)
- NIMA: National Imagery and Mapping Agency
- GII: Geospatial Information Infrastructure
- IPT: Integrated Product Team (NIMA) (see also GIIPT)
- GII: Geospatial Information Integrated Product Team (NIMA)
- GDF: Geospatial Development Facility (NIMA)
- MIPR: Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
- DDO: Deputy Director for Operations (NSA and others)
- AIPASG: Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group
- DII: Defense Information Infrastructure
- ISR: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
US Air Force
- AFIWC: Air Force Information Warfare Center, Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX
- RADC: Rome Air Development Center
- AFWAL: Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories (Wright-Patterson, Dayton OH) renamed WRDC in 1988
- WRDC: Wright Research and Development Center (formerly AFWAL)
- IISS: Integrated Information Support System (project) (also I2S2)
- I2S2: Integrated Information Support System (project) (also IISS)
- IDBM: Integrated Database Management (project)
- DAPRO: Data Automation PROcessor (project)
- GMAP: Generic/Geometric Modeling APplication (program)
- PDDI: Product Definition Data Interchange (project)
- RFC: Retirement For Cause
- IBIS: Integrated Blade Inspection System (GMAP demo)
- FIMS: Framework for Integrated Manufacturing System
- DAS: Data Administration Syste
- EDM: Enterprise (corporation-wide) Data Model
- IDS: ???? (AFWAL)
- EIS: ???? (AFWAL)
- TMIS: ???? (AFWAL)
- EDCARS: ???? (AFWAL)
- ATOS: ???? (AFWAL)
- RDB: ???? (AFWAL)
- SC&D: ???? (AFWAL)
- DDMIS: ???? (AFWAL)
- HUD: Head Up Display
- WSO: Weapon Systems Officer (former GIB - Guy in the Back)
- GIB: Guy in the Back (now WSO - Weapon Systems Officer)
US Army
CECOM: Communications Electronics Command (Ft. Monmouth, NJ)
ADEA: Army Development and Employment Agency
STRICOM: Simulation, TRaining and Instrumentation COMmand
US Marine Corps
- MCAGCC: Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (Twentynine Palms, California)
- TEECG: Tactical Exercise Evaluation and Control Group (of MCAGCC)
- SME: Subject Matter Experts
US Navy
- CNO: Chief of Naval Operations
- SPAWARS: Space and Naval Warfare Systems
- ONR: Office of Naval Research
- ONT: Office of Naval Technology
- CNOC: Commander Naval Oceanography Command (Bay St. Louis, Mississippi)
- FNOC: Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (Monterey)
- NEPRF: Naval Environmental Prediction Research Facility (Monterey)
- NOSC: Naval Ocean Systems Center (San Diego)
- NADC: Naval Air Development Center (Warminster PA - Lou Pelosi)
- NWC: Naval Warfare College
- NPS: Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey)
- NAVTASC: Naval Telecommunications Automation Support Center
- NSWC: Naval Surface Warfare (Systems?) Center
- NUSC: Naval Underwater Systems Center
- TFCC: Tactical Flag Control Center
- CAT: Combat Action Team
- ABG:
- CCWS: Command & Control Workstation
- TAO: Tactical Action Officer
- IBGTT: Interim Battle Group Tactical Trainer
- RESA: Research, Evaluation and System Analysis (new name for IBGTT)
- TICAP: Tactical Information Correlation and Presentation (Frank White@NOSC)
- ACS: Afloat Correlation System
- JTIDS: Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
- NTDS: Naval Tactical Data System
- MAT: Mobile Access Terminal
- ACCAT: Advanced Command and Control Architectural Testbed
- CSE: Combat System Experiments
- IMA/D: Information Management Assessment & Display (El Wells)
- POST: ... Ocean Surveillance ... / EW Correlation System
- DCS: Distributed Command Support (El Wells - overall program)
- SNAP: Shipboard Non-tactical AdP (Automated data Processing)
- GenText: General Text
- DAMA: Demand Assigned Multiple Access
- NAVCAMS: Naval Communications Area Master Station
- ACDS: Advanced Combat Data(?) System
- C2PS: C2 Processor System
- TDAU: Tactical Decision Aid Unit (an HP9020)
- IID: Integrated Information Display (Pearl Harbor)--became OSGP, then FRESH
- OSGP: Operational ___ Group Prototype -- previously IID, became FRESH
- FRESH: Force Requirements Expert System -- previously IID and OSGP
- UTIPS: ???? (Underwater Target Info Processing System ????)
- NAVMACS: communications (everything but Intel)
- LINK11: communications between ****
- LINK14: communications between ships and aircraft
- DLRP: Data Link Reference Point
- SAG: Surface Action Group
- CWC: Composite Warfare Commander
- AAWC: Anti-Aircraft Warfare Commander
- ASWC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander
- ASuWC: Anti-Surface Warfare Commander
- EWC: Electronic Warfare Coordinator
- AREC: AiR Element Coordinator
US Military Weapon Systems
- P-2: patrol (ASW) aircraft, carrier-capable, two-prop
- E-2C: "Hawkeye" AWACS aircraft (radar and C2), carrier-capable, two-prop
- S-2: submarine hunter, carrier-capable, two-prop
- P-3: patrol (ASW) aircraft, shore-based (e.g. formerly at Moffet), four-prop
- KC-10: "Extender" airborne refueling tanker
- KC-135: "Strato-tanker" airborne refueling tanker
- F-14: "Tomcat"
- F-18: "Hornet" fighter
- F-111F: "Aardvark" sweep wing fighter-bomber (Air Force)
- EF-111A: "Ravens" electronic warfare version of F-111
- A-6E: "Intruder" attack bomber
- EA-6B: "Prowler" radar jamming aircraft
- A-7: "Corsair" attack bomber
- AWACS: Airborne Warning And Command System
- Harpoon: air-launched anti-ship? cruise missile, $775K
- Tomahawk: ship- or sub-launched anti-ship cruise missile?
- HARM: High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile(AGM-88A),$275K,length=14',vintage~1983
- Shrike: anti-radar missile (older than HARM), canNOT be reprogrammed in flight
- SADARM: Seek and Destroy Armor (8-inch artillery submunitions)
- SAM: Surface to Air Missile
- RPV: Remotely Piloted Vehicle
- Tacit Rainbow: long-endurance battlefield-orbiting anti-radar missile(Northrup)
- MILSTAR: satellite
- HFITS: communications(HF~High-Frequency)??
- OHR: Over-the-Horizon Radar
- ROHR: Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar
- HFDF: High Frequency Direction Finder (pronounced Huff Duff)
- SELOR: Satellite ELINT (...??)
- SOSUS: SOund/SOnar Sensor UnderSeas ?? (seabed passive sonar)
- IFF: Identification Friend or Foe
- SIF: Selective Identification Feature (of IFF systems?)
- EW: Electronic Warfare
- ESM: Electronic Support Measures (finding out what enemy is using/doing)
- ECM: Electronic Counter Measures
- LANTIRN: Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting InfraRed for Night
- SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar
- FLIR: Forward Looking InfraRed (radar)
- AVLB: Armored Vehicle Launching Bridge