Dancer: is she rotating clockwise (CW) or counter/anti-clockwise (CCW)? : The claim accompanying this GIF was that CW vs CCW was indicative of right/left-brain. However, experience of my predominantly left-brained friends and colleagues was that she turns CW (contrary to prediction). Note: By rapidly blinkly your eyes, many people can get the direction to reverse, and that non-normal rotation will persist for varying periods (for me, the reversal to norm occurred sometimes after only seconds and sometimes persisted for as long as I continued to stare at the animation).
My source: Herald Sun (of Australia), 2007-10-09 "Right Brain v Left Brain" - it does not cite its source.
Is this cat going up or down? (the stairs) (aka Forget about the golden dress).
Note: I strongly believe that this picture is Photoshop'ed,
but it is a useful exercise in analyzing a picture.